How can I change this form into li? PHP
Hey it looks like I had most the code correct just that it was not
working. I got some suggestions and we did beautify if not dotted a $theme
but the code does not work. I want to convert this form into a li but I am
having some issues, here is the original form:
$theme1 = business;
$theme2 = modern;
$theme3 = web2;
{setcookie('style', $_POST['style'], time()+(60*60*24*1000));
{$style=$theme1;} ?>
<link href="<?PHP echo $style; ?>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<select name="style">
<option type="submit" <?php echo "value='$theme1'";if($style ==
$theme1){echo "selected='selected'";}?>><?php echo $theme1; ?></option>
<option type="submit" <?php echo "value='$theme2'";if($style ==
$theme2){echo "selected='selected'";}?>><?php echo $theme2; ?></option>
<option type="submit" <?php echo "value='$theme3'";if($style ==
$theme3){echo "selected='selected'";}?>><?php echo $theme3; ?></option>
<input type="submit">
I want to transform this form into a li form where there are not select,
option, or input in the form. I got some of the code but the form is not
changing my value. It looks like I might be missing the if($style..) and
the name"style" somewhere on my li form. Here is my code:
<form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='post' id='myForm'>
<li name='style' onclick='myForm.submit();' value='".$theme1."'";
;if($style == $theme1){echo "selected='selected'";};
I think I am messing up on the if($style..) and the
name='name'....somewhat I do not think they are being inputted right. How
would I be able to correct the li form to make it functional?
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